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PrettyMerch Group Buy- The #1 Free Chrome Extension for Merch by Amazon sellers

PrettyMerch Group Buy

What is PrettyMerch for Merch by Amazon?

PrettyMerch Group Buy designed for Merch created by Amazon(tm) can be described as a highly rated Chrome extension that is ideal for Merch sellers. It offers a stunning dashboard for monitoring important indicators, gives immediate sales notifications, offers precise statistics on your sales, and comes with a Product Manager to facilitate sorting and filtering of products. In addition, it includes an Research Tool to help you find out about the latest trends and an Trademark Search Tool for safer designs, as well as an automatic Re-Login feature that keeps you always logged in.

PrettyMerch is the top most downloaded and rated Extension to Merch on the market by Amazon Sellers.

Trademark Search Tool

Research Tool

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