PrettyMerch Group Buy- The #1 Free Chrome Extension for Merch by Amazon sellers

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Written by Group Buy Seo Tools

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PrettyMerch Group Buy

What is PrettyMerch for Merch by Amazon?

PrettyMerch Group Buy designed for Merch created by Amazon(tm) can be described as a highly rated Chrome extension that is ideal for Merch sellers. It offers a stunning dashboard for monitoring important indicators, gives immediate sales notifications, offers precise statistics on your sales, and comes with a Product Manager to facilitate sorting and filtering of products. In addition, it includes an Research Tool to help you find out about the latest trends and an Trademark Search Tool for safer designs, as well as an automatic Re-Login feature that keeps you always logged in.

PrettyMerch is the top most downloaded and rated Extension to Merch on the market by Amazon Sellers.

  • Beautiful dashboard to keep track of all of your important statistics.
  • In-real-time alerts for sales that are new with one of the best satisfactions
  • Detailed analytics for your sales all the way back to the first day of sales.
  • The Product Manager is a powerful tool to manage and organize your merchandise

Trademark Search Tool

  • Instantly search for Registered and Filed trademarks on all marketplaces that are available.
  • International as well as European trademarks are included in the results of your search.
  • PrettyMerch searches for every trademark and ensures that you are always receiving the most current results
  • Through Trademark Search you can keep your account secure by making sure you do not include trademarked words within your design and in your text

Research Tool

  • The brand new Research Tool lets you swiftly explore Merch products on Amazon and locate the top selling designs as well as the latest trends ahead of the rest. 
  • We regularly look over Amazon results for search results and frequently update our databases to include the most current information on millions of items.
  • Find the most popular items that have the lowest BSR and the most up-to-date Trends and brand new Designs in a single click. 
  • Also, you can make use of the product Analyzer to find the most current, complete analysis of each item.